X2C | Change Log

Version v6.5.3189

Released on 2024-04-04

Libraries & Blocks

  • Basic
    • TaskLabel block added (Matlab/Simulink only)
  • General
    • Constant & uConstant simulation files for Matlab/Simulink updated
    • Gain & uGain simulation files for Matlab/Simulink updated
    • LookupTable1D, LookupTable2D & LookupTable3D simulation files for Matlab/Simulink updated
    • LoopBreaker simulation files for Matlab/Simulink updated
    • Selector simulation files for Matlab/Simulink updated
    • Missing connections in Simulink library inserted (TypeConv, uSaveSignal)
  • Math
    • Acos block added
    • Asin block added
  • Control
    • P, PLimit added
    • I, ILimit adjusted
    • D, DLimit added
    • PI, PILimit adjusted
    • PID, PIDLimit adjusted
    • Typecast in FiP8 & FiP16 implementations of uI block corrected
    • Delay block adjusted (direct feed throug flag set)
    • Revert function for TF2 block implemented
  • Filter
    • Fix of gain correction bug in floating point implemention of AdaptiveNotch block
  • StateControl
    • TFlipFlop block added
    • DFlipFlop block added
    • RSFlipFlop block enhanced with /Q output
  • MotorControl
    • Overflow bug in compare statement in FiP implementation of JerkLimiter block fixed
    • Calculation of CPU compensation in conversion function of CurrentControl block fixed
  • MotorSimulation
    • VSI enhanced with modulation limit/scaling
    • Nonlinear power supply added
  • MotorSensorless
    • HFInjectionSquare updated and renamed to PINAC
    • HFInjectionSine updated renamed to SINAC
    • HFInjSquare added, updated and renamed to PINEC
    • TrackingLoop added
    • Predefined macro INV_SQRT_THREE to TWO_OVER_SQRT_THREE in FASE_Float32 changed
    • Angle wrapping in floating point implementations of InitPosDetect block added
  • Update of pre-built libraries:
    • Update from compiler version v2.1 to 4.21 for PIC32MX170F256 CUnit-Test programs
    • STM libs for Keil removed
    • STM libs for STMCubeIDE added
    • XMC libs for DAVE added
    • Additional Microchip libs added
  • CUnit-Test targets added:
    • STM32F072RB
    • STM32G474RE
    • TMS320F379D
    • XMC4800-F144K2048
  • CUnit-Test targets removed:
    • STM32F407ZG
    • TMS320F2808



  • Execution Time Estimator (ETE) added
  • Implementation of color coding of Matlab blocks according to its sample time
  • Grouping of Subsystems into tasks implemented (Matlab/Simulink only)
  • CLA code generation implemented (TI C2000 targets and Matlab/Simulink only)



  • Matlab scripts createActivationScript.m, setup.m, AnalyzeModel.m, getPrevX2CBlocks.m, createX2CSimulinkBlock.m updated
  • JavaScript support updated: added Nashorn JS engine JAR files
  • Fix of ordering issue of code generator
  • Update of CFSO code generator
  • Update of error messages in Matlab and Scilab
  • Parameter editor used in Scilab/Xcos updated
  • Pre-liminary support for for Scilab 2023 and 2024 implemented
  • Communicator startup options enhanced



  • Blinky Atmel ATSAM3X8E-ArduinoDue demo updated: Link to LoopBreaker fixed
  • Blinky demo for STM32 STM32F051R8TX Discovery board ported from uVision to STM32CubeIDE
  • Blinky demo for STM32 Nucleo-F072RB board ported from uVision to STM32CubeIDE
  • Blinky demo for STM32 Nucleo-G474RE board added
  • Update of TM320F28096 blinky demo with CPU load measurement
  • Fix of ClrWdt problem with new compiler/MPLAB X inMicrochip dsPIC33F Blinky demo
  • Update of all Blinky demos
    • Delay block replaced with LoopBreaker block
    • Init of integrator updated



  • Update of ProjectDocu generation
  • Update of BlockDocu generation
  • X2C documentation updated:
    • Introduction
    • Code conventions
    • Angle signal description
    • Description of uVision related items removed
    • Description of STM32CubeIDE added
    • BlockGeneration How-To


Hardware Templates

  • Adding of TMS320F2800137_BOOSTXL_DRV8305 template
  • Adding of TMS320F28379D_BOOSTXL_DRV8305 template
  • Adding of STM32G474RE_NUCLEO_IHM07M1 template
  • Update of dsPIC33CK256MP_MCLV2 template
  • Update of TM4C123GXL_BOOSTXL_DRV8305 template
    • Rotor alignment at startup implemented by X2C blocks only -> no need for reset of encoder in frame program
    • Nonlinear power supply model
    • Encoder macro made available for SyMSpace
    • Implementation of Inter-Processor-Communication (IPC)
  • Update of TMS320F28379D_BOOSTXL_DRV8305 template
  • Update of SKAI_40_A2_MD15 template to current X2C version
  • Update of SKAI_60_A2_MD10 template to prevent warnings by compiler
  • Absolute links changed to relative links in Wolfspeed CRD300DA12E-XM3 hardware template
  • Update of LCM-ECU-3HB-20A-48V template: Switched to floating point implementation
  • Update of LCM-FU-3HB-2A-230V template: Switched to floating point implementation
  • Update of LCM-ECU-10HB-10A template
  • Update of LCM-ECU-4HB-100A-75V template
  • Updated EELoadSave block to use Int8 implementation instead of Float32 to avoid possible float comparison issues updated to current X2C version



  • Added TMS320F280039 bootloader
  • Added TMS320F280037 bootloader
  • Added TMS320F2800137 bootloader
  • Update CAN Bootloader STM32F407ZE and STM32F407ZG
  • Added CAN bootloader for TMS320F280049
  • Update of STM32F407ZG bootloader baudrate: 500k and 1M added
  • Update of STM32F407ZE bootloader baudrate: 500k and 1M added
Version v6.4.2560


Libraries & Blocks

  ** LookupTable3D block added
  ** Code safety issue in Selector block fixed
  ** Float implementation for Sign block implemented
** Float implementation for Exp block implemented
  ** Shift factor bugfix in floating point conversion function of TF1 block
  ** Loadable type bugfix of static variables of DT1 and PT1 blocks
  ** Bilin block added
  ** Biquad block added
  ** AdaptiveNotch block added
  ** IIR block added
  ** LowpassBiQ block added
  ** HighpassBiQ block added
  ** BandpassBiQ block added
  ** BandstopBiQ block added
  ** ACDC block updated (FiP8 removed)
  ** FundFreq block updated (FiP8 removed, bug fixes)


* Scilab 6 support added
* Filter library added
* Block Generator GUI updated
* Block order algorithm & code generation updated for increased performance and less disk I/O
* CoT Model API updated to provide access to the Mask Parameter count
* Block test structure & procedure updated
* Unused code in glue code removed when CoT feature is not used
* Scilab startup procedure optimized
* Scilab startup procedure updated to display X2C version info
* Scilab JavaSci advanced mode disabled for better stability
* X2C project initialization procedure in Scilab updated to use central script for common functions
* log4j updated to latest Java 6 version v2.3.2
* CoT feature and Model API issues fixed
* Inport Block test issue fixed
* Block license management issue fixed
* Array handling issue for script conversion types fixed
* Time dependend Blocks not behaving correctly in Scilab simulation fixed
* Scilab setup issue fixed
* STM32 Cortex M3 C libraries added
* X2C tools entries added in Scilab/Xcos’ Tool menu
* Loading of libraries needed for simulation in Xcos revised
* Parameter indexing in Scilab glue code generation revised
* Clean up of Scilab workspace after startup
* RAM array start address fix for Scilab/Xcos simulation
* Scilab scripts clean up:
  ** Removal of “funcprot(0);” directive
  ** Removal of “fs = filesep();” directive
* Scilab scripting updates:
  ** Generation of help revised: the create help command is executed twice during the setup to have the correct palette icons in the help
  ** Loading of sci functions optimized
  ** Script to get name of currently running file added


* Serial driver for TMS320F28004x devices added
* VCI-CAN driver updated to support IXXAT USB-to-CAN V2 device
* VCI-CAN driver updated for better performance and stability
* VCI-CAN driver slow read performance fixed
* Unsupported target device not detected correctly in LNet fixed
* LNet ‘Size too large’ not correctly handled fixed
* LNet disconnection not detected during data transfer not handled correctly fixed


* PCAN bus type and channel number selection added
* CANopen over PCAN interface added


* Channel visible setting changed to enabled by default
* Value scaling enable element added
* Integer mode added for channels and trigger
* Plot colors updated by better distinguishable ones
* Loading an invalid X2C Model or an invalid settings file not handled correctly fixed
* Channel switch from IO Block to Control Block type not working fixed


* TMS320F280049 added
* TMS320G280041 added
* TMS320F28388D added
* TMS320F28386D added
* STM32G0B1RB added


* X2C project initialization scripts updated


* Referencing of X2C blocks in documentation fixed
* Mask parameter documentation revised:
  ** Display of static ID
  ** List of blocks with static IDs sorted by static ID
* Generation of HTML block documentation improved (scaled images, support of captions in figures)
* Block generation help updated
* Jar file generation description added in block generation section of documentation
* Bugfix of problem with special characters in block name when creating mask parameter documentation
* Missing escape character added to fix image settings
* HowTo updated

X2C Installer

* Added Filter library to X2C Free installer
* Update to Scilab 6.1.1
* Update to Code Composer Studio 11.1
* Update to MPLAB X 6.00
* Update of Microchip’s MCHP library
* Update of Microchip’s demo applications
* Microchip Harmony setup handling updated

Version v6.3.2018


Libraries & Blocks

** Constant block enhanced with integer implementations
** uConstant block enhanced with integer implementations
** Sin2Limiter block enhanced with Init and Enable input
** LookupTable1D block revised
** LookupTable2D block revised
** Bug in floating point implementations of uConstant block fixed (missing action in save-function)
** Bugfix of loading Basic library twice in Scilab
** Creation of Basic library documentation implemented


* Sweepy demo for Microchip’s MCLV-2 added
* Update of Tiva TM4C123GH6 Blinky demo


* Support for clock Goto/From blocks in Xcos added
* CUnit-test result location moved
* Update of Inno Setup installer script
* Bugfix of Scilab simulation problem with blocks with parameter arrays
* Bugfix in Scilab library builder script (problem with mfprintf of C-function names)
* Bugfix of too long strings in Scilab library builder
* Update of project documentation error handling
* Scilab transformation window messages and behavior revised
* Automatic opening of project documentation after creation implemented
* generalDoc.sty bugfix when generating documentation
* JRE detection procedure in Scilab environment updated
* Eclipse project writer, which is provided for user specific Java Conversion functions, updated
** Compiler compliance
** Default JRE
* Scripting language-based conversion updated
** output names of unassigned variables
** correct boolean and numeric data type value handling
* RMI communication functions updated
* LNet Firmware Download procedure updated for better Timeout Handling
* Communication interfaces updated to get connection state
* PCAN communication driver slow performance fixed


* Settings window layout changed to tabs for each category


* updated PCAN-USB and Serial interface driver
* fixed Serial interface timeout problem


* Support for STM32F103RB, STM32F446VE, STM32F446RE added
* Support for TMS320F28379D added


* Replaced Serial communication driver by jSerialComm (https://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/)
* Updated IXXAT VCI Java API for VCI V4 compatibility
* Apache Log4j updated to version 2.3
* Cloning and Objenesis removed because not used anymore
* Support for ojdkbuild Java RE distribution verified

Version v6.2.1835


Libraries & Blocks

    ** Constant block enhanced with integer implementations
    ** uConstant block enhanced with integer implementations
    ** Sin2Limiter block enhanced with Init and Enable input
    ** LookupTable1D block revised
    ** LookupTable2D block revised
    ** Bug in floating point implementations of uConstant block fixed (missing action in save-function)
    ** Bugfix of loading Basic library twice in Scilab
    ** Creation of Basic library documentation implemented


* Sweepy demo for Microchip’s MCLV-2 added
* Update of Tiva TM4C123GH6 Blinky demo


* Support for clock Goto/From blocks in Xcos added
* CUnit-test result location moved
* Update of Inno Setup installer script
* Bugfix of Scilab simulation problem with blocks with parameter arrays
* Bugfix in Scilab library builder script (problem with mfprintf of C-function names)
* Bugfix of too long strings in Scilab library builder
* Update of project documentation error handling
* Scilab transformation window messages and behavior revised
* Automatic opening of project documentation after creation implemented
* generalDoc.sty bugfix when generating documentation
* JRE detection procedure in Scilab environment updated
* Eclipse project writer, which is provided for user specific Java Conversion functions, updated
    ** Compiler compliance
    ** Default JRE
* Scripting language-based conversion updated
    ** output names of unassigned variables
    ** correct boolean and numeric data type value handling
* RMI communication functions updated
* LNet Firmware Download procedure updated for better Timeout Handling
* Communication interfaces updated to get connection state
* PCAN communication driver slow performance fixed


* Settings window layout changed to tabs for each category


* updated PCAN-USB and Serial interface driver
* fixed Serial interface timeout problem


* Support for STM32F103RB, STM32F446VE, STM32F446RE added
* Support for TMS320F28379D added


* Replaced Serial communication driver by jSerialComm (https://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/)
* Updated IXXAT VCI Java API for VCI V4 compatibility
* Apache Log4j updated to version 2.3
* Cloning and Objenesis removed because not used anymore
* Support for ojdkbuild Java RE distribution verified

Version v6.1.1632


Libraries & Blocks

    ** Boolean display bugfix of Real2Int, Int2Real, and TypeConv block


* LEDx copy/paste bugfix in BeagleBoneBlack Sweepy demo application


* Update of activation scripts
* updated code writer to include edition information


* updated GUI threading for better responsiveness
* fixed bug which sometimes caused a disabled Scope icon
* removed deprecated GUI elements in Model Tab and Settings dialog
* added software information dialog containing
    ** version & edition
    ** licence terms and conditions
    ** links to X2C website & support e-mail address
* fixed bug in startup auto-connect procedure


* updated PCAN-USB and Serial interface driver
* fixed Serial interface timeout problem


* fixed bug when using duplicate Block labels in different super blocks
* fixed RMI connection issues (Connection refused)
* fixed bug which sometimes opened the Communicator twice
* fixed logging bug


* added Texas Instruments TM4C1294NC support
* added Infineon XMC4400-F100K512, XMC4500-F100K1024 support

Version v6.0.1503

Libraries & Blocks


    ** Interact block added


    ** Conversion-on-Target (CoT) functions implemented

    ** Enable input data type changed from int8 to bool

    ** Blocks LookupTable1D and LookupTable2D added

    ** Runtime optimization of ManualSwitch block

    ** sin() with sinf() replaced in float32 implementation of SinGen and Sin3Gen

    ** Removal of FiP8 implementations:

        MinMaxPeriodic, uRateLimiter, RateLimter,Sin2Limiter, Limitation, Minimum, Maximum, Saturation, SinGen, Sin3Gen

    ** FiP implementation of logical blocks removed and replaced with Bool implementation


    ** Conversion-on-Target (CoT) functions implemented

    ** Symmetric input range check for blocks Atan2, Mult and Negation implemented

    ** Wrapping of angular signals in float implementation adjusted

    ** Floating point calculations updated


    ** Conversion-on-Target (CoT) functions implemented

    ** Enable input data type changed from int8 to bool

    ** Boolean implementation for blocks LoopBreaker and Delay added.


* Blinky demo for Silicon Labs Pearl Gecko starter kit added


* Support for boolean datatypes added

* Event (error) state and CPU load information in status bar of Communicator added.

* Update of X2C logo

* Version numbering changed

* Possibility to simulate blocks with multiple arrays in Scilab implemented

* Bug concerning flash tables in parameter editor’s controller parameter pane fixed

* Python and Scilab scripts for controlling X2C targets added

* Block documentation streamlined (with option to create docu with full info)

* Methods to upload Model In- & Outport values from target added

* Tests updated to use defined Parameter ID instead of pointers and RAM block commands for more reliable and platform independent tests


* Infineon XMC4700 & XMC4800 support added

* ST STM32F302RD, STM32F302R8 support added

* Microchip dsPIC33EP512GM604 support added

Version v1116

Libraries & Blocks

* Floating point bugfix of ManualSwitch block


* Microchip dsPIC33EP128MC202, dsPIC33EP128GM604 added

* STMicroelectronics STM32F303RB added

* Microchip dsPIC Implementations updated


* Conversion error handling updated

* Startup bug when using Version converter fixed

* Communication errors output updated

* User Data representation & handling updated

Block Generator

* Startup bug when using Version Converter fixed

* Documentation updated


* Blinky demo project for STM32F072RB Nucleo added

* BeagleBone Black Blinky demo updated and bug-fixed

* BeagleBone Black Sweepy demo added


* Scilab Script export added


* Double/single quote bugfix in createLibraryStarter script

* CUnit test template creation for external blocks implemented

* HTML block documentation bugs fixed (ligature/arial problem and bug with path of external blocks)

* LNet Service management updated

* C checksum procedure updated

* Support for address-modified HEX files added

* DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal added to Serial Communication

* Possible buffer overflow in LNet frame-in-frame fixed

* LNet error handling updated

* Internal Block- & Implementation Names updated

* Block XML format updated

* Too small LNet header handling bug fixed

* Scilab Model handling updated

* Intel HEX address conflict detection added

* Scilab Setup procedure updated

Version v1028

Libraries & Blocks

* Float implementations for Maximum and Minimum block added

* Float implementations for ManualSwitch block added

* Update of floating point implementations of Constant block

* Pre-compiled libraries: optimization level set to -O2 also for Microchip libraries

* CUnit tests for Microchip PIC32 and STM STM32F0 and STM32F4 added

* Library header file structure update


* Added MAP file support for TI CCS C2000 compiler version 6.4.x

* Added MAP file support for Microchip XC32 compiler

* Updated MAP file support for Microchip XC16 compiler

* Added MAP file support for Infineon DAVE IDE using ARM-GCC compiler version 4.9

* Microchip dsPIC33EP245MC502 target support added

* Microchip PIC32MX series support added

* Microchip PIC32MX170F256 target support added

* Infineon XMC4000 series support added

* Infineon XMC4800-F144K2048 target support added

* STM STM32F3 series support added

* STM STM32F303RE target support added


* Blinky Demo for MicrostickPlus updated

* Blinky Demo for Tiva updated

* BeagleBone Black Blinky Demo added


* High-DPI display support added

* Log Window size and -font changed

* Added block data up- & download

* Added User Data elements


* High-DPI display support added

* Channel configuration updated for less vertical space requirement

* Configuration Save- & Load bug fixed

* Last window size- & position is automatically saved and loaded with off-screen restoration

* Custom Scope Settings Save & Load added

* Scope trigger support for data types uint64, int64, float32, float64 added

* Fixed Scope trigger inaccuracy

* Fixed Scope trigger display bugs


* Improved response-ability in library selection dialog

* Fixed resize problems leading to incorrect GUI element positioning


* Direct feedthrough simulation bug in Scilab fixed

* Namespace bug in Scilab interface function fixed

* Fix of transformation problem of models with Superblocks and Function-blocks

* Bugfix of ligature problem with htlatex

* Generation of project specific library documentation implemented

* Bugfix of 1/sqrt(3) computation problem for floating point implementations

* Added IEC data types to Controller data types

* Updated code generation for easier IDE integration and better compiler compatibility

* Map-File Data Utils now support variable- and code symbols separately

Version v900

Libraries & Blocks

* Sin2Limiter: resolution of internal variables for FiP8 and FiP16 increased

* Sin2Limiter: abort of running limitation process disabled

* Sin2Limiter: floating point implementations added

* Delay functionality in Delay block implemented

* LoopBreaker block added to General library

* Pre-compiled libraries: optimization level set to -O2 (-O1 for Microchip libraries)

* Pre-built libraries for STM32F0 and STM32F4 added

* Pre-built libraries for dsPIC33E and dsPIC33F added

* Integration of __builtin-functions of XC16 compiler for FiP16 implementations

* Script to create block documentation added

* Error plots for Sin, Cos, Exp and Sqrt blocks in block documentation added

* Bugfix of zero output of Inport when simulating in Xcos

* Palette icon bugfix in Xcos starter file

* added C-libraries for Microchip PIC32MX & PIC32MZ targets


* TI TM4C series support added

* ST STM32F103ZC target support added

* added support for generic Microchip PIC32 targets

* added support for Microchip PIC32MZ2048EC target

* added support for generic X86 & X64 targets

* added support for KeControl target

* added support for Microchip PIC32 targets

* TI TMS32F2802x series support added

* added support for TI TMS320F28027 target

* added demo application for Arduino Due board


* Bugfix of baudrate problem on Microchip boards

* Blinky demo project for dsPIC33EP X2C Development Board added

* Doxygen support/comments added in Microchip demos

* Pre-built libraries included in Microchip demo projects


* DSP update button added

* better handling of multiple Scope GUIs being opened from one Communicator instance

* Communicator now closes all linked Scope GUIs on exit

* added default baud rates for serial communication: 230400, 460800, 921600

* added common settings in Communicator replacing several configuration (set to inactive, tooltip shows where to find actual setting)

* added setup option to disable Communicator “Auto-Connect” on Startup

* fixed Communicator Scope toolbar button bug (sometimes disabled when it shouldn’t)

* added pre- & post code generation script support

* added ‘Download All Blocks’ to download all block data at once


* fixed graphic issue, where plot area is being resized to a very small height

* updated configuration file structure

* fixed bug when using Scope in non-paramater identifier mode

* updated save function for additional trigger configuration support


* Eclipse project files are now being written by BlockGenerator if it doesn’t exist


* Space character in (home) path bug fixed

* Compilation of libraries under Linux implemented

* Script to start the BlockGenerator from within Scilab

* int8 and uint8 typedefs adapted for __GENERIC_TI_C28X__ devices

* Configuration of compiler in createLibraryBuilder.sci script adapted

* Keil uVision HowTo added in documentation

* Doxygen support for project docu added

* Version information in project documentation included

* Update of initProject.sce to enable simulation in Linux

* added service functions to avoid hard-coded names & directories

* updated log4j default configuration files to limit size and amount of generated log files

* added MAP file support for TI ARM compiler

* fixed missing Scope function call in CodeGenerator when using no control block or control blocks without updated functions only but using Scope

* added foward declarations in generated header file X2C.h

* fixed incorrect 64-bit memory alignment for several targets

* added Signal Code Writer which creates a file containing lists with internal X2C signals (In-, Outports & block outports)

* updated Scilab setup script output

* fixed LNet communication issue using multiple threads

* fixed several connection issues which may cause communication failure or VM crash

* updated Code Writer to always generate Flash- & RAM table C source files

* added version identifier to generated files

* fixed bug in CircularByteBuffer class which may lead to a buffer overflow

* fixed bug in Intel-HEX file reader when using ELA records

* updated code writer to add Doxgen comments

Version v671


* bugfix in code generator which may lead to incorrect order of update functions

* fixed bug in Scilab which may lead to erroneous C-code when superblocks are being used

* support for Scilab version 5.5.1 (support for Scilab versions < 5.5.0 dropped)

* added Linux support

* added TCP/IP support (LNet over TCP/IP)

* updated documentation system

* block visualization updates (diagrams & block appearance)

* Scilab script updates for better stability and clearer error messages

* updated demo application diagrams

* updated Scilab installation process

* added pre-compiled libraries for Microchip(c) series

* updated third party serial interface (RXTXcomm) implementation to more actual version

Libraries & Blocks

* Sqrt: updated block image

* library General0 replaced by Basic library

* Inport and Outport blocks have been moved to General library

* MinMaxPeriodic block added to General library


* added support for HotInt (-> www.hotint.org) target (code generation & -compilation + target template)

* added support for STM32F0 targets

* added demo application for ST STM32F0DISCOVERY evaluation board

* added generic classes supporting ARMv6 & ARMv7 targets


* add channel label (name) to each channel

* address for source type ‘Address’ is now being entered in hexadecimal format

Known bugs:

* simulation in Xcos of blocks with Flash or RAM tables is not possible

* creation of application specific library docu is incomplete/not possible

* creation of multiple application specific blocks may lead to errors

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