X2C | Power Inverters

X2C supports a series of power inverters for the rapid development of electric drive concepts. These inverters are available in a wide power and voltage range.

Following inverters are fully compatible with X2C and ready-to-use frame programs allow the fast implementation and deployment of motor control applications.

Semikron Power Inverters


Ultra Compact Converter for Electrified Utility Vehicles

Semikron power inverter SKAI-2-HV

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 120…800 VDC
Nominal phase current 300 Arms
Switching frequency up to 15 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection IP 67
Control unit TI C2000

For detailed information please visit the Semikron SKAI 2 product page.

Semikron power inverter SKAI-2-HV

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 120…800 VDC
Nominal phase current 300 Arms
Switching frequency up to 15 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection IP 67
Control unit TI C2000

For detailed information please visit the Semikron SKAI 2 product page.


Ultra Compact MOSFET Inverter Platform

Semikron power inverter SKAI-3-LV

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 24…160 VDC
Nominal phase current 250 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 600 Arms
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection IP 66
Control unit Custom board with ARM Cortex-M4

For detailed information please visit the Semikron SKAI 3 product page.

Semikron power inverter SKAI-3-LV

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 24…160 VDC
Nominal phase current 250 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 600 Arms
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection IP 66
Control unit Custom board with ARM Cortex-M4

For detailed information please visit the Semikron SKAI 3 product page.

Wolfspeed Power Inverters


High-Efficiency, Fast-Switching 300kW Power Inverter with SiC MOSFETs

Wolfspeed power inverter CRD300DA12E-XM3

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 24…800 VDC
Nominal phase current 360 Arms
Switching frequency up to 80 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection none
Control unit TI C2000

For detailed information please visit the Wolfspeed CRD300DA12E-XM3 product page.

Wolfspeed power inverter CRD300DA12E-XM3

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 24…800 VDC
Nominal phase current 360 Arms
Switching frequency up to 80 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection none
Control unit TI C2000

For detailed information please visit the Wolfspeed CRD300DA12E-XM3 product page.

Texas Instruments Evaluation Kit

Texas Instruments LAUNCHXL-F280049C & BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM

Low Cost Multi Phase Power Inverter

Semikron power inverter SKAI-3-LV

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 4.4…45 VDC
Nominal phase current 15 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 20 Arms
Number of half-brigdes 6
IP protection none
Control unit TI C2000

For detailed information please visit the TI Launchpad LAUNCHXL-F280049C and TI BoosterPack BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM product pages.

Semikron power inverter SKAI-3-LV

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 4.4…45 VDC
Nominal phase current 15 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 20 Arms
Number of half-brigdes 6
IP protection none
Control unit TI C2000

For detailed information please visit the TI Launchpad LAUNCHXL-F280049C and TI BoosterPack BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM product pages.

LCM Power Inverters


Compact Electronic Control Unit for Multi-Phase Electrical Drives

LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-10HB-10A-80V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 8…80 VDC
Nominal phase current 10 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 30 Arms
Switching frequency up to 80 kHz
Number of half-bridges 10
IP protection IP 20
Control unit TI C2000
LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-10HB-10A-80V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 8…80 VDC
Nominal phase current 10 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 30 Arms
Switching frequency up to 80 kHz
Number of half-bridges 10
IP protection IP 20
Control unit TI C2000


Entry-Level Electronic Control Unit for Electrical Drives

LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-3HB-20A-48V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 6…55 VDC
Nominal phase current 20 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 40 Arms
Switching frequency up to 40 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection IP 20
Control unit ARM Cortex-M4
LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-3HB-20A-48V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 6…55 VDC
Nominal phase current 20 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 40 Arms
Switching frequency up to 40 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 3
IP protection IP 20
Control unit ARM Cortex-M4


Electronic Control Unit for Electrical Drives in 12V/24V Applications

LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-3HB-30A-30V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 8…30 VDC
Nominal phase current 30 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 40 Arms
Switching frequency up to 60 kHz
Number of half-bridges 3
IP protection IP 20
Control unit TI C2000


LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-3HB-30A-30V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 8…30 VDC
Nominal phase current 30 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 40 Arms
Switching frequency up to 60 kHz
Number of half-bridges 3
IP protection IP 20
Control unit TI C2000



Electronic Control Unit for Electrical Drives in Harsh Environments

LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-4HB-100A-75V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 6…75 VDC
Nominal phase current 100 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 200 Arms
Switching frequency up to 80 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 4
IP protection IP 68
Control unit ARM Cortex-M4
LCM power inverter LCM-ECU-4HB-100A-75V

Key Technical Data

Input voltage range 6…75 VDC
Nominal phase current 100 Arms
Maximum phase current up to 200 Arms
Switching frequency up to 80 kHz
Number of half-brigdes 4
IP protection IP 68
Control unit ARM Cortex-M4
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